KALO TV Honolulu

Channel 25 Hawaii

KALO broadcasting on Channel 38 is a religious television station based in Honolulu, Hawaii. First aired on July 9, 1999, the non-commercial station is owned by KALO TV, Inc. Its studios are located on Waiakamilo Road in Honolulu while the transmitter is set up in Akupu, Hawaii. It uses Oceanic Spectrum: Channel 25 as its cable service provider throughout the state with Big Island as only exception where it is not available at all.

Watch KALO TV Honolulu, HI Stream Online

Watch KALO TV: Channel 25 stream live from Honolulu, Hawaii. Christian Broadcast Station serving Honolulu, Hawaii brings Christian content to its audiences. Wait as the stream loads.

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Slogan: For He founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.

Website: www.kalotv.com

Launched on July 9, 1999, 19 years ago, the channel remains as one the six stations (other being KKAI, KAAH-TV, KWHE, KWBN, KUPU) in the city that host evangelic content KALO’s. The independent religious station like KWBN and KHET maintaining itself as non-profit depends upon the donations and viewer support.

KALO until Aug 2009 was operated by Pacific Broadcasting, the current owner is KALO TV Inc. You can watch KALO online and also connect with station using social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


KALO aims to provide its audiences inspirational and educational evangelic teachings.


CBN Showcase Real Life with Jack Hibbs Living on The Edge God’s Story
Grace to You Journey with Jack Hibbs The Connection with Skip Heitzig CBN Jerusalem Dateline
Authentic American History Davey and Goliath CBN Nightly News As We Gather
Billy Graham God Squad Church KALO Original Turning Point
CBN Studio 5 Ravi Zacharias/Let My People Think Discovering the Jewish Jesus
One Love-Sunday Quick Study Superbook



Address: P.O. Box 1256

Honolulu, Hawaii 96807

Tel: 808 596 4417

Email: info@kalotv.com