KBCB Bellingham


KBCB founded on Feb 10, 1989 is a Bellingham, Washington based service owned by Venture Technologies Group. The studios of the channel are located on Meridian Street in Bellingham with transmitter installed near Mount Constitution on Orcas Island. It is affiliated with Sonlife Broadcasting Network QVC, Evine live and Jewelry Television.

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Sub-Channels: 24.1 SBN

24.3 QVC

24.2 Evine

24.4 Jewelry TV

Website: www.kbcbtv.com/



The station was launched on Feb 10, 1989 as KEGA; current calls were incorporated on Oct 2, 1989. It until 2006 would air a mix of independent and ImaginAsian content but eventually opted for Shop NBC in 2007. The network was rechristened as ShopHQ in 2013. The only local program broadcasted by the channel is a weekly Monday morning program that highlights news and businesses in downtown Bellingham’s Depot Market Square. The Cartoon Factory is also included in the lineups sponsored by brokered programming. It got affiliated with Estrella TV in Aug 2011 but ended its affiliation with the network in April 2014.

Venture on Sep 19, 2014 revealed info about selling their asset to Fox Television Stations for USD 10n. The deal was pending Federal Communications Commission approval; however, Fox reversed the deal and was eventually dismissed on Nov 20, 2014.  In Jan 2015 it parted ways with ShopHQ and replaced Sonlife Broadcasting Network as its new partner. March 2015 saw the inclusion of Jewelry TV, followed by Home Shopping Channel QVC in July 2017 and finally arrival of Evine in Feb 2018.

You can watch the station online and follow it on Facebook and Twitter. Here is the website: http://www.kbcbtv.com/